
The 1E-Exchange-DisplayMessageinstruction that is part of the End-User Interaction product pack available on the 1E Exchange does not properly validate the Caption or Message parameters, which allows for a specially crafted input to perform arbitrary code execution with SYSTEM permissions. This instruction only runs on Windows clients. To remediate this issue DELETE the instruction “Show dialogue with caption %Caption% and message %Message%” from the list of instructions in the Settings UI, and replace it with the new instruction 1E-Exchange-ShowNotification instruction available in the updated End-User Interaction product pack. The new instruction should show as “Show %Type% type notification with header %Header% and message %Message%” with a version of 7.1 or above.

Configuration 1 (hide)



21 Nov 2023, 18:15

Type Values Removed Values Added
Summary The 1E-Exchange-DisplayMessageinstruction that is part of the End-User Interaction product pack available on the 1E Exchange does not properly validate the Caption or Message parameters, which allows for a specially crafted input to perform arbitrary code execution with SYSTEM permissions. To remediate this issue DELETE the instruction “Show dialogue with caption %Caption% and message %Message%” from the list of instructions in the Settings UI, and replace it with the new instruction 1E-Exchange-ShowNotification instruction available in the updated End-User Interaction product pack. The new instruction should show as “Show %Type% type notification with header %Header% and message %Message%” with a version of 7.1 or above. The 1E-Exchange-DisplayMessageinstruction that is part of the End-User Interaction product pack available on the 1E Exchange does not properly validate the Caption or Message parameters, which allows for a specially crafted input to perform arbitrary code execution with SYSTEM permissions. This instruction only runs on Windows clients. To remediate this issue DELETE the instruction “Show dialogue with caption %Caption% and message %Message%” from the list of instructions in the Settings UI, and replace it with the new instruction 1E-Exchange-ShowNotification instruction available in the updated End-User Interaction product pack. The new instruction should show as “Show %Type% type notification with header %Header% and message %Message%” with a version of 7.1 or above.

14 Nov 2023, 17:50

Type Values Removed Values Added
First Time 1e
1e platform
CPE cpe:2.3:a:1e:platform:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
CVSS v2 : unknown
v3 : unknown
v2 : unknown
v3 : 7.2
CWE NVD-CWE-noinfo
References (MISC) - (MISC) - Vendor Advisory
References (MISC) - (MISC) - Product

06 Nov 2023, 13:15

Type Values Removed Values Added


Published : 2023-11-06 13:15

Updated : 2023-12-10 15:14

NVD link : CVE-2023-5964

Mitre link : CVE-2023-5964

CVE.ORG link : CVE-2023-5964

JSON object : View

Products Affected


  • platform
NVD-CWE-noinfo CWE-20

Improper Input Validation