Categories (CWE)

Categories (CWE)

CWE-1023 Incomplete Comparison with Missing Factors
CWE-1022 Use of Web Link to Untrusted Target with window.opener Access
CWE-1021 Improper Restriction of Rendered UI Layers or Frames
CWE-1020 Verify Message Integrity
CWE-102 Struts: Duplicate Validation Forms
CWE-1019 Validate Inputs
CWE-1018 Manage User Sessions
CWE-1017 Lock Computer
CWE-1016 Limit Exposure
CWE-1015 Limit Access
CWE-1014 Identify Actors
CWE-1013 Encrypt Data
CWE-1012 Cross Cutting
CWE-1011 Authorize Actors
CWE-1010 Authenticate Actors
CWE-101 DEPRECATED: Struts Validation Problems
CWE-1009 Audit
CWE-1007 Insufficient Visual Distinction of Homoglyphs Presented to User
CWE-1006 Bad Coding Practices
CWE-1005 7PK - Input Validation and Representation
