Vulnerabilities (CVE)

Total 254140 CVE
CVE Vendors Products Updated CVSS v2 CVSS v3
CVE-1999-0177 1 Oreilly 1 Website 2023-12-10 7.5 HIGH N/A
The uploader program in the WebSite web server allows a remote attacker to execute arbitrary programs.
CVE-2001-1399 1 Linux 1 Linux Kernel 2023-12-10 2.1 LOW N/A
Certain operations in Linux kernel before 2.2.19 on the x86 architecture copy the wrong number of bytes, which might allow attackers to modify memory, aka "User access asm bug on x86."
CVE-1999-1106 1 Kde 1 Kde 2023-12-10 7.2 HIGH N/A
Buffer overflow in kppp in KDE allows local users to gain root access via a long -c (account_name) command line argument.
CVE-2001-0042 1 Apache 1 Http Server 2023-12-10 5.0 MEDIUM N/A
PHP 3.x (PHP3) on Apache 1.3.6 allows remote attackers to read arbitrary files via a modified .. (dot dot) attack containing "%5c" (encoded backslash) sequences.
CVE-2004-0667 2 Gentoo, Rsbac 2 Linux, Rule Set Based Access Control 2023-12-10 7.2 HIGH N/A
Rule Set Based Access Control (RSBAC) 1.2.2 through 1.2.3 allows access to sys_creat, sys_open, and sys_mknod inside jails, which could allow local users to gain elevated privileges.
CVE-2003-0103 1 Nokia 1 6210 Handset 2023-12-10 5.0 MEDIUM N/A
Format string vulnerability in Nokia 6210 handset allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash, lockup, or restart) via a Multi-Part vCard with fields containing a large number of format string specifiers.
CVE-1999-0333 1 Hp 1 Hp-ux 2023-12-10 7.5 HIGH N/A
HP OpenView Omniback allows remote execution of commands as root via spoofing, and local users can gain root access via a symlink attack.
CVE-2002-0938 1 Cisco 1 Secure Access Control Server 2023-12-10 7.5 HIGH N/A
Cross-site scripting vulnerability in CiscoSecure ACS 3.0 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary script or HTML as other web users via the action argument in a link to setup.exe.
CVE-2004-1642 1 Texas Imperial Software 1 Wftpd 2023-12-10 5.0 MEDIUM N/A
WFTPD Pro Server 3.21 allows remote authenticated users to cause a denial of service (crash) via a series of long MLIST commands.
CVE-2000-0205 1 Trend Micro 1 Officescan 2023-12-10 6.4 MEDIUM N/A
Trend Micro OfficeScan allows remote attackers to replay administrative commands and modify the configuration of OfficeScan clients.
CVE-2002-2391 2, Xoops 2 Webchat, Xoops 2023-12-10 7.5 HIGH N/A
SQL injection vulnerability in index.php of WebChat 1.5 included in XOOPS 1.0 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the roomid parameter.
CVE-2004-1986 2 Coppermine, Francisco Burzi 2 Coppermine Photo Gallery, Php-nuke 2023-12-10 5.0 MEDIUM N/A
Directory traversal vulnerability in modules.php in Coppermine Photo Gallery 1.2.2b and 1.2.0 RC4 allows remote attackers with administrative privileges to read arbitrary files via a .. (dot dot) in the startdir parameter.
CVE-2003-0150 1 Oracle 1 Mysql 2023-12-10 9.0 HIGH N/A
MySQL 3.23.55 and earlier creates world-writeable files and allows mysql users to gain root privileges by using the "SELECT * INFO OUTFILE" operator to overwrite a configuration file and cause mysql to run as root upon restart, as demonstrated by modifying my.cnf.
CVE-2004-0204 4 Bea, Borland Software, Businessobjects and 1 more 9 Weblogic Server, J Builder, Crystal Enterprise and 6 more 2023-12-10 7.5 HIGH N/A
Directory traversal vulnerability in the web viewers for Business Objects Crystal Reports 9 and 10, and Crystal Enterprise 9 or 10, as used in Visual Studio .NET 2003 and Outlook 2003 with Business Contact Manager, Microsoft Business Solutions CRM 1.2, and other products, allows remote attackers to read and delete arbitrary files via ".." sequences in the dynamicimag argument to crystalimagehandler.aspx.
CVE-1999-1387 1 Microsoft 1 Windows Nt 2023-12-10 5.0 MEDIUM N/A
Windows NT 4.0 SP2 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash), possibly via malformed inputs or packets, such as those generated by a Linux smbmount command that was compiled on the Linux 2.0.29 kernel but executed on Linux 2.0.25.
CVE-2000-0103 1 Netsmart 1 Smartcart 2023-12-10 7.5 HIGH N/A
The SmartCart shopping cart application allows remote users to modify sensitive purchase information via hidden form fields.
CVE-2003-0207 1 Gs-common 1 Gs-common 2023-12-10 2.1 LOW N/A
ps2epsi creates insecure temporary files when calling ghostscript, which allows local attackers to overwrite arbitrary files.
CVE-2001-0887 1 Oliver Rauch 1 Xsane 2023-12-10 1.2 LOW N/A
xSANE 0.81 and earlier allows local users to modify files of other xSANE users via a symlink attack on temporary files.
CVE-1999-0183 2 Linux, Tftp 2 Linux Kernel, Tftp 2023-12-10 6.4 MEDIUM N/A
Linux implementations of TFTP would allow access to files outside the restricted directory.
CVE-2000-0484 1 Max Feoktistov 1 Small Http Server 2023-12-10 5.0 MEDIUM N/A
Small HTTP Server ver 3.06 contains a memory corruption bug causing a memory overflow. The overflowed buffer crashes into a Structured Exception Handler resulting in a Denial of Service.